transfer of ownership中文,transfer of ownership的意思,transfer of ownership翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:09 浏览次数 1

transfer of ownership

[法] 所有权转让

transfer of ownership 片语


transfer of ownership detail所有权过户

transfer r of ownership所有权转让

security transfer of ownership即动产让与担保

conditional transfer of the ownership附条件的所有权转让

transfer of stock ownership股权转让

Transfer of Vehicle Ownership车辆过户

Transfer of ownership side转让股权方

The transfer of ownership转让股权方

Transfer of ownership of property财产所有权的转移

transfer of ownership 例句


  • at first, too, chinese deals used a complex structure involving the transfer of ownership to the cayman islands, which made the process of putting in money, and getting it back, far easier.


  • the system generated methods and functions can only be transferred as part of the transfer of ownership of the data type.


  • ownership reservation is a transfer of ownership in cease condition from the angle of its transfer itself.


  • section of this chapter discusses the transfer of ownership of real estate by auction time.


  • for example, land purchases are wrongly counted as new investment when they are really just a transfer of ownership .


  • consignment transfer of ownership models.


  • ordinary shares are the most widely traded of all securities because of continuing market liquidity and the ease of transfer of ownership from one investor to another.


  • chapter iv: the transfer of ownership of real estate auction time and the right to pay for the treatment.


  • and focus on an analysis of the assignee in equity did not apply for registration of internal circumstances, the transfer of ownership to external legal effect.


  • the assets purchased by the listed company through issuing shares shall be operational assets whose ownership is clear, and the transfer of ownership can be completed within the agreed time period.


  • we should consider both the general rules of transfer of ownership and the rules of bills when analyzing the problem of the relationships between the bills and transfer of ownership.


  • system generated routines created as part of the create type (structured) transfer the ownership to the new owner of the type if a transfer of ownership of the dependent type is performed.

