transient stability中文,transient stability的意思,transient stability翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:10 浏览次数 3

transient stability

英[ˈtrænziənt stəˈbiliti]美[ˈtrænʃənt stəˈbɪlɪti]

[物] 暂态稳定度

transient stability 片语


Transient connective stability暂态关联稳定性

transient angle stability暂态功角稳定

transient state stability factor暂态稳定度系数

Transient Stability Prediction暂态稳定预测

transient state stability暂态稳定度

transient state stability limit暂态稳定度极限

transient stability constrained OPF于考虑暂态稳定性约束的最优潮流

transient angular stability暂态功角稳定

transient stability 例句


  • Increases both the steady state and transient stability limits of the generator with respect to the power system by continuous, fast control of the exciter voltage to match the generator requirements.


  • This paper presents a highly paralleled relaxed Newton method for transient stability real time simulation.


  • The method performs active power perturbation analysis respectively on the stable equilibrium point of pre-fault system, the trajectory of fault-on system and transient stability of post-fault system.


  • A algorithm for optimal power flow with transient stability constraints (OPFTSC) based on transient energy margin is presented in the paper.


  • The parameter setting of voltage regulator directly impacts the forced excitation effect and transient stability of power system.


  • Simulations show considerable promotion in the transient stability limit on a transmission line after reclosing time optimization.


  • Effects of on-line capacity on error of aggregated PMSG wind farm model and impacts of error on transient stability analysis of power systems are investigated.


  • The processing of contingency set, modeling and solution of coordinated control are key technologies for real-time transient stability control.


  • The static and transient stability of the power system are analyzed based on the degree of excitation.


  • The performance of multifrontal method is evaluated and compared with direct sparse factorization method through load flow calculation and transient stability simulation using IEEE benchmark data.


  • The early works of direct methods utilized the quasi-linearity of transient energy margin (TEM) to approximate the transient stability limits, which opened an era of this area.


  • In chapter 5, to improve transient stability of multi-infeed HVDC transmission systems, a kind of HVDC additional power modulator based on nonlinear variable structure theory is proposed.


  • According to the curve shape above mentioned trajectory the transient stability index of generator after accident occurred can be quickly calculated.


  • The reliable transient stability analysis is one of the keys in safe operation of power system.


  • Examples of test system show that the proposed model and method are correct. This provides an effective tool for studying the transient stability and control strategy of FACTS.


  • The results show that the signal-modulating type synthetical nonlinear SVC controller can provide higher damping to the system, so as to enhance the transient stability of the AC and DC hybrid system.


  • The transient stability problem is studied for a single machine-infinite bus system with internal parameter uncertainties and external disturbances.


  • The probabilistic method for transient stability assessment is an important supplement to conventional method, but its calculation burden is too heavy.


  • This model takes into account the transient stability constraints and contingency occurrence probability and system instability impacts.


  • Firstly, this method USES the continuation power flow (CPF) technique and both of static security and transient stability constraints are considered.


  • Secondly, this paper discusses the effect of TCSC on the transient process and transient stability based on long distance transmission systems using B-H network-preserving model.


  • Based on WAMS signal, wide area coordinating control, closed-loop emergency control and islanding control for improving transient stability of power systems are researched in this thesis.


  • Impact of large scale wind farm integration on power system transient stability is studied in this paper.


  • Firstly, the request and the feasibility of on-line pre-decision transient stability control system based EMS real-time data and how to use data have been discussed.


  • Conventional study on TTC (total transfer capacity) with transient stability constraints is performed by deterministic analysis methods.


  • Second, by means of the transient stability calculation for single and multiple faults, the stability of Guangdong power grid as a multiinfeed AC/DC power system is studied.

