as for professional norms, they illustrate the controlling and guiding functions of translation norms in the translation process.
through the analysis of various syntactic features of these chinese translations, this paper aims to describe the diachronic changes of translation norms on syntactic level.
the paper explores a new approach to teaching translation norms by looking at jacques lacan「s four discourses: of the master, the university, the analyst, and the hysteric.
for the successful access of the translation to the target culture, the translator has to make choices between two languages, texts and cultures in which way the translation norms are revealed.
translation norms are the core of toury」s translation theories.
the present research of translation norms in western countries almost remains stagnant, which is directly influenced by some disputes within the academic world.
this paper shows the operation of translation norms based on the english version of lun yu by ku hung-ming.