transmit to
2025-01-06 21:11 浏览次数 1
In linguistic communication, appellation is always the first information transmit to the audience. Apt appellation will make the communication go smoothly.
When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.
The primary results show that the ultra low-frequency pulses may produce in the process of nucleation of micro-cracks and faults, and transmit to the air as infrasonic sound.
This gives us the same data with less structure and fewer bytes overall to transmit to the browser.
Hopefully I can transmit to my son what Liverpool Football Club means and how special it is, as he was born in the city and he will visit it in the future.
Offering of service product through the operation course of combining service activity in production with transmit to finish.
When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.
The control instructions or enquiry of monitoring computer can transmit to remote indicating instrument by GPRS network to carry out long-distance control to every intelligent sensor.
In one embodiment, the base station determines whether there is downlink channel data to transmit to a mobile station.
Culture is that which men create for themselves and transmit to their successors by other than biological means.
The system can set the 「data」 line inactive if it has a byte to transmit to the device.
「Schools, religious institutions and other kinds of associations - and then there are things like NPR who transmit to zillions of people,」 he says.
When I proposed the theory of relativity, veryfew understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.
当我提出相对论时,几乎很少有人能够理解我所说的,而我现在向全人类揭示的理论将会与世人对此的误解与偏见格格不入。 。
No one is sure why, though it might be advantageous to allow individuals quickly to transmit to one another a need for increased arousal.
I will transmit to the new moon of, the general stops worrying.
You waive all applicable rights you may have in any information (other than personal data) you transmit to AIA via this website or otherwise, for the purposes of this section of the Conditions.
在本条款中,阁下必须放弃通过网站或其他方式传送给AIA的任何信息 (除了个人信息之外 )的所有适用的权利。
The system adopts FSK modulation way to carry out directly digital signal of axle tempratureand transmit to the receiving system of test train.
And words to which we are nearly strangers, whenever they occur, draw that attention on themselves which they should transmit to things.
Lightning electricity is collected in the base of engine, transmit to tower, from the tower to the base, and by earthing point to earthing net.
Our fax cannot transmit to your fax machine.
Publishers may not sell or transmit to others any data about a user related to the user's use of the + 1 Button.
Release the PTT/C button, your CALL TONES will transmit to nearby receivers set to the same channel.
Some members record and transmit to the mainland original TV shows and the attached English subtitles.
Please support, protect, and transmit to me your energy. I know wherever there are children and grandchildren ancestors are also there.
Vibrating mesh nebulizer use vibration of piezoelectric ceramic transmit to mesh, the vibrating mesh push the liquid drug through the apertures.
Laplace at research civilization development problem is to press a new thoughts in produce after, can continue to transmit to the study.
This kind of sensor this part of the function is to feel the movement of objects and transmit to 89s52 chip.
The device is not designed to transmit to satellites.