next year transparency international will publish an updated ranking of big global companies, highlighting their use of offshore finance and their perceived willingness to pay bribes.
transparency international was a leader in the negotiations for the convention.
still, transparency international has identified 16 countries which showed improvements or declines since last year.
the results from 146 countries were strikingly similar to the transparency international corruption index, which rates countries by their level of perceived sleaze.
transparency international said it found a correlation between corporate bribery within a country and how clean public officials are perceived to be.
in its just released report, transparency international says foreign aid must be more focused and more carefully monitored to ensure it goes where intended.
the transparency international report says while these conditions directly affect businesses and aid organizations, they also have a direct negative effect on the recipient countries.
the berlin-based transparency international looked at indicators in 180 countries to measure perceptions of doing business or delivering aid there.
they supplement the corruption perception index of transparency international (ti), whose latest edition again shows that the war on corruption is far from won (see article).
这些资料补充了国际透明度组织的腐败比例指数。 这项指数的最新版本再一次显示出,谈这场与腐败的战斗的胜利为时过早。
transparency international complains that germany, japan and saudi arabia have not yet ratified a un convention on bribery.
transparency international gives russia barely two points out of ten—its worst performance in ten years, which puts it on a par with kenya.
透明国际(transparency international)给俄罗斯打出的分数仅为2分,总分为10分——这是它十年以来的最差表现,与肯尼亚旗鼓相当。
depends where you look. comparing the world「s 10 largest economies against their rankings in the 2010 transparency international corruption perceptions index , here」s how they stack up.
transparency international recently ranked yemen 146 out of 178 countries on their 2010 corruption perception index, ahead of only iraq, somalia, and sudan in the region.
「it is as if the government is telling everyone which accounts they should transfer the money into, 」 says elena panfilova, head of transparency international russia.