vt. 运输;流放;使狂喜
n. 运输;运输机;狂喜;流放犯
2025-01-06 21:12 浏览次数 1
vt. 运输;流放;使狂喜
n. 运输;运输机;狂喜;流放犯
"transmit a message"
"You must carry your camping gear"
"carry the suitcases to the car"
"This train is carrying nuclear waste"
"These pipes carry waste water into the river"
"listening to sweet music in a perfect rapture"- Charles Dickens
air transport[航] 航空运输
Transport phenomena传递现象;迁移现象
transport company转运(货运)公司
transport capacity[交] 运输能力,输送能力
rail transport[铁路] 铁路运输
means of transport运输工具
Net Transport[核] 凈输送
transport number[化学] 迁移数
railway transport铁路运输
international transport[交] 国际运输
sediment transport沉积物运移;泥沙流移;土砂流送
container transport[交] 集装箱运输
Transport CanadaTransport Canada () is the department within the government of Canada which is responsible for developing regulations, policies and services of transportation in Canad It is part of the Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities (TIC) portfoli
transport hub交通枢纽
road transport公路运输;铁路运输;陆路运输
transport ship运输船
storage and transport储运
freight transport货物运输
London Transport伦敦的公交系统
water transport水路运输
transport equipment运输设备,运输器材
transport network[交] 运输网
public transport公共交通;公共交通设施
transport system运输系统;传输系统
cargo transport货运;运货船/机
transport service传输业务;传送服务
passenger transport[交] 客运
there’s more timber to transport now.
overhead handles and rings, tell me about it! if god wanted us to be of the same height, he would have done so…..we don't need the transport department helping us out there.
那些高高在上的扶手和拉环啊~如果上帝想让我们有同样的高度,他是会这样做的…. 可是我们不需要运输部门再来气我们了。
her office is on the other side of town, inaccessible by public transport and i have no car.
now the city wants to become a 「living laboratory」 for smart urban technologies of all kinds—not just water and transport systems but green buildings, clean energy and city management too.
that’s why people in denmark ride bikes or use one of the best public transport systems in the world.
they would also employ more efficient transport systems to improve city performance.
the transport and slaughter of poultry are also considered, and information on avoiding or mitigating problems is provided.
these winds can transport large amounts of water vapour over hundreds of kilometres.
we reduce the traffic required to transport staff and customers to these locations.
recognition of the transport impact on climate change.
that way, the chaff could be used to produce biofuel for transport and the wheat could be used for people.
to help them, self-employment is to be legalised in dozens of areas, from transport to construction.
the balloons would be used to transport equipment on unmanned missions.
i also think it’s because they are a bigger part of the overall transport system here.
many people in the village commute to work in glasgow or stirling, so transport issues will also be looked at, as will issues around food production.