udp is a connectionless transport layer protocol that is responsible for sending and receiving datagrams.
therefore, these applications are designed to use a transport layer protocol that implements reliability.
which transport layer protocol is used for data transfer when this service is being used?
transport layer protocol of sigtran that is special for the signal transmission plays a very important role in keeping the reliability of the signal transmission.
the performance of transport layer protocol is a key issue because of its middle status in ip protocol stacks.
tcp is a transport layer protocol that regulate its downlink data sending through uplink acks.
fourthly, the transport layer protocol is designed in detail.
tcp/udp – the transport layer protocol
tcp/udp –传输层协议
stream control transmission protocol (sctp) is a new transport layer protocol added to the 2.6 kernel.
流控制传输协议 (sctp)是2.6内核中增加的一个新的传输层协议。
while transmission control protocol (tcp) is widely adopted end to end transport layer protocol on the internet and wide area networks (wan).