transport network
[交] 运输网
2025-01-06 21:12 浏览次数 2
[交] 运输网
transport management network网络管理系统
passenger transport combined network复合客运网
Transport Ticketing Network logo卖票网络的运输
integrated public transport information network综合公共交通资讯系统
Transport virtual network交通虚拟网
public transport line network公交线网
transport information network交通信息网络
as it is shown that inland container transport network has enormous economic and social benefits, which not only provide comprehensive service for shippers, but also extend hinterland of ports.
the trains don「t even have proper air-conditioning, grumbles mr so. britain」s public transport network reaches nearly everywhere, he admits, but it is not very reliable.
key factors influencing urban agglomeration highway transport network system are sought out by using systematic structure model analysis method.
the rehabilitation of america’s transport network will be neither easy nor cheap.
britain「s public transport network reaches nearly everywhere, he admits, but it is not very reliable.
whether ruber remains a big part of the transport network in future, and whether it retains surge pricing, depends in part on how well local governments manage the transport system as a whole.
britain’s public transport network reaches nearly everywhere, he admits, but it is not very reliable.
a creaking transport network is holding back colombia」s growth. how fast can juan manuel santos improve it?
to enhance trade and personnel exchanges, china proposes that a regional transport network be considered as a priority in future cooperation.
firstly, analyzed the mathematics model and virtual transport network for interval route optimization problem in multimodal transport.
moreover, in order to solve the model, a method to construct the integrated transport network is put forward.
transportation in hunan is convenient, with a three-dimensional transport network integrating railways, highways, waterways and aviation.
only chile has a modern transport network comparable to china’s, and even there railways are neglected.
ukraine is a weak link in gazprom「s transport network as the main trunk lines to central europe cross the former soviet republic.
chinese companies are known to build roads and bridges faster so we should hire chinese companies in building transport network comprising of roads, bridges, railway tracks etc.
it will be another six years before the line is open, but today」s breakthrough is, the swiss say, a crucial step to improving europe's transport network and protecting the alpine environment.