traumatic experience中文,traumatic experience的意思,traumatic experience翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:13 浏览次数 1

traumatic experience


traumatic experience 例句


  • he credited his participation in the program with helping him turn what had been a traumatic experience into a constructive one.


  • those who find meaning in a traumatic experience and are able to reestablish a sense of security about the world are usually the ones who return to a healthy pathway.


  • the obvious difference is that only real plagues kill real people, though the permanent loss of a character can be a traumatic experience for an enthusiastic player, and one he will try hard to avoid.


  • the marking system is a traumatic experience from which most students emerge with a deep determination never to get into a situation where they can be marked again.


  • research has shown that sleeping directly after a fight or traumatic experience will effectively preserve your emotions until you awake.


  • other than death of a loved one, have you had a traumatic experience recently?


  • karma is any emotionally traumatic experience that is recorded in time.


  • as individuals who have experienced separation or divorce, or even the loss of a loved one to death, the separation can be the most traumatic experience we live through.


  • on the other hand, the period of most rapid change can be expected to be an uncomfortable and at times traumatic experience for many people around the world.


  • active coping means recognizing and accepting the impact of a traumatic experience and then taking concrete action to improve things.


  • clinical psychology theories show that journaling about traumatic experience that already took place helps ease a victim「s anxiety.


  • and it」s because high school was an extremely traumatic experience for me.


  • having a property repossessed is an extremely traumatic experience and can have negative effects on future financial circumstances.


  • fitzgibbon says the traumatic experience associated with losing a limb may heighten the sensitivity of pain synaesthetes to others' pain.


  • flashbacks may be so strong that individuals feel like they are actually re-living the traumatic experience or seeing it unfold before their eyes and in nightmares.


  • there are cases going through a traumatic experience could make people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies.


  • although losing a job will be a very traumatic experience for many employees, such lay-offs will also be accompanied by opportunities.

