whenever i travel abroad i meet bright young people from india doing good science who tell me they look forward to the day they can continue their work back home in india.
at my university we encourage students to travel abroad to one of our project centers for at least one of their project experiences.
she wants a ruling that her husband will not be prosecuted if he helps her travel abroad to die.
during one hearing, kaplan mused disapprovingly about american attorneys who travel abroad to represent foreign clients suing u.s. companies.
they travel abroad so rarely that they don’t see how far they are falling behind.
travel abroad and make new friends.
travel abroad may be an exciting option now, thanks to jupiter, and if you go, it would not be for work, but for fun or to reconnect with family.
i think about that childhood experience every time an american tells me he’s afraid to travel abroad since the events of 9/11, and that people out there don’t like americans anymore.
mr rodríguez, for decades a big star throughout latin america, and a few other well-known artists enjoy privileges denied to ordinary cubans, such as freedom to travel abroad and to earn.
the father allowed (=permitted) his son to travel abroad alone.
millions of chinese students and tourists travel abroad each year.
throughout my childhood our family would travel abroad for several months every few years.