travel light中文,travel light的意思,travel light翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:14 浏览次数 1

travel light

英[ˈtrævəl lait]美[ˈtrævəl laɪt]


travel light 英语释义


    1. to go on or as if on a trip or tour journey

    2. to go as if by traveling pass
    the news traveled fast

    3. associate
    travels with a sophisticated crowd

    4. to go from place to place as a sales representative or business agent

    5. to move or undergo transmission from one place to another
    goods traveling by plane

    6. to withstand relocation successfully
    a dish that travels well

    7. to move in a given direction or path or through a given distance
    the stylus travels in a groove

    8. to move rapidly
    a car that can really travel

    9. to take more steps while holding a basketball than the rules allow

    10. to journey through or over

    11. to follow (a course or path) as if by traveling

    12. to traverse (a specified distance)

    13. to cover (an area) as a commercial traveler

    14. to travel with a minimum of equipment or baggage

    15. the act of traveling passage

    16. a journey especially to a distant or unfamiliar place tour, trip —often used in plural

    17. an account of one's travels

    18. the number traveling traffic

    19. movement, progression
    the travel of satellites around the earth

    20. the motion of a piece of machinery especially reciprocating motion

    21. to go on a trip or journey to go to a place and especially one that is far away

    22. to go through or over (a place) during a trip or journey

    23. to move from one place to another

    24. the act or activity of traveling

    25. trips or journeys to distant places

    26. to journey from place to place or to a distant place

    27. to get around pass from one place to another
    The news traveled fast.

    28. to journey through or over
    We're traveling the countryside.

    29. the act or a means of journeying from one place to another
    Air travel is fast.

    30. journey entry 1, trip —often used in pl.
    I've collected many souvenirs from my travels.

    31. the number journeying
    There is heavy travel around Thanksgiving.

travel light 例句


  • communicate am's travel light and model with a purpose principles to your project stakeholders, as well as the practices update only when it hurts and discard temporary models.


  • he likes to travel light .


  • travel light when necessary.


  • for this reason, says constable, it is not a touring show in the traditional sense, where the actors travel light and make do with the facilities at each venue they visit.


  • travel light (financially) and carry a spare card.


travel light 同义词







trip(Trip) (美)特里普(人名)

