with humour and a sense of romance, she has written an intellectually bracing travelogue of literary adventures.
originally, episode iii was to open with a travelogue of sorts, a rapid overview of many worlds of the confederacy under assault by the clone forces of the republic.
marco polo 「s travelogue mentions that kublai khan sent envoys to malgache .
and in 1804, the score of the song appeared in the book 「a travelogue from china」, written by british diplomat john bellow.
in a january 11 post, japan-based blog mutantfrog travelogue asked the question: what are the ten best places to live in japan outside of tokyo?
polo 」s travelogue mentions that kublai khan sent envoys to malgache.
his previous book, 「survival city,」 is a lively travelogue through american ghost towns -- bomb shelters, nuclear waste sites -- haunted by cold war fever.
他之前的作品《生还的城市》(survival city)是一本有关美国鬼镇的活生生的旅行见闻讲演录——炸弹的庇护所、核垃圾的堆放场——时不时地由于冷战后遗癥而闹鬼。
the travelogue of venetian businessman marco polo introduced china, then a mysterious land, to the west.
威尼斯商人马可·波罗游历中国大地后的游记,为西方世界揭 开了东方国度的神秘面纱。
what couldn「t be clearer, though, is that mr. cameron」s singular vision has upped the ante for filmed entertainment, and given us a travelogue unlike any other.
in his travelogue the author portrays a nation of great contrasts: grandiose buildings and urban desolation, and everyday life beside ancient monuments.
simba not only brought her 4-years-old daughter to be in close touch with the nature, the ecosystem and wild animals, but also write the travelogue together with the kid from an angle of a child.
red light district, indeed, was apparently released in britain as a second feature to a nudist travelogue under the more lurid title of street of shame.
the book namely little simba's travelogue in africa is the important step to make such introduction.