v. 穿过(traverse的ing形式);横越
n. 穿越,通过
2025-01-06 21:14 浏览次数 1
v. 穿过(traverse的ing形式);横越
n. 穿越,通过
1. to go or travel across or over
2. to move or pass along or through
light rays traversing a crystal
3. to make a study of examine
4. to lie or extend across cross
the bridge traverses a brook
5. to move to and fro over or along
6. to ascend, descend, or cross (a slope or gap) at an angle
7. to move (a gun) to right or left on a pivot
8. to go against or act in opposition to oppose, thwart
9. to deny (something, such as an allegation of fact or an indictment) formally at law
10. to make or carry out a survey of by using traverses
11. to move back and forth or from side to side
12. to move or turn laterally swivel
13. to climb at an angle or in a zigzag course
14. to ski across rather than straight down a hill
15. to make a survey by using traverses
16. something that crosses or lies across
17. obstacle, adversity
18. a formal denial of a matter of fact alleged by the opposing party in a legal pleading
19. a compartment or recess formed by a partition, curtain, or screen
20. a gallery or loft providing access from one side to another in a large building
21. a route or way across or over: such as
22. a zigzag course of a sailing ship with contrary winds
23. a curving or zigzag way up a steep grade
24. the course followed in traversing
25. the act or an instance of traversing crossing
26. a protective projecting wall or bank of earth in a trench
27. a lateral movement (as of the saddle of a lathe carriage) also a device for imparting such movement
28. the lateral movement of a gun about a pivot or on a carriage to change direction of fire
29. a line surveyed across a plot of ground
30. lying across transverse
31. to move across (an area)
32. to pass through, across, or over
33. a denial of a matter of fact alleged in the opposing party's pleadings also a pleading in which such a denial is made
34. to deny (as an allegation of fact or an indictment) in a legal proceeding
traversing traffic穿越性车流
traverse survey[测] 导线测量
traversing car横移装置
traversing bridge活动桥
rapid traverse快速移位;快速横动;快速行程
traversing differential方位微分
downhill traversing斜线滑下
traversing screw方向螺丝
traversing times穿越次数
traversing construction横移施工
traversing fault穿过断层
From the top level data object contained in the graph, all children data objects are reachable by traversing the references from the root data object.
While XPath provides a compact and elegant way of traversing an XML tree, its pattern matching functions have a rather limited capability.
This saves you from traversing the list to check which of the timers expire now and which of them expire in the subsequent cycles.
The difference there is extremely important, and has to do with the proper way of traversing through DBCS strings.
This function is like an undo function, going back to the jQuery object you had before you called find or parents or one of the other traversing functions.
Intraprocess communication avoids all the overhead of a remote service invocation, including serialization, encryption, traversing the network stack, and network latency.
Thousands who had traveled to the fort by bullock cart and train watched as Nehru ceremonially righted an overturned cot, then invited them to enter by traversing a bridge strewn with rose petals.
System calls are an efficient way of traversing between user-space and the kernel to request services in the kernel-space.
The drawing APIs need to use absolute values so having them passed into the paintIcon method avoids having to compute them by traversing all the parents of the component.
Regular expressions provide much richer pattern matching across strings of text, but are as easy to use as XPath when traversing a data structure such as an XML tree.
Part 2 shows how to save the form data of the current view by traversing the JSF component tree and getting the values of the input components.
It expresses the idea that we are traversing a set of some kind, 「comprehending」 what we find, and computing something new from it.
Departing from the Mediterranean Sea, \ 「Turanor \」 will travel across the Atlantic and through the Panama Canal, before traversing the Pacific and Indian oceans and sailing down the Suez Canal.
They also range widely, traversing the Atlantic Ocean to reach breeding grounds in the Mediterranean Sea.
Note that in traversing a tree, at any point in the traversal, a node can be the root of a new subtree.
There are two rules for traversing through a DBCS string using a pointer.
This animal was held in high esteem among the Mongols, for it is physically adapted for traversing the sandy plains of the Gobi Desert.
To discover the answers, Katija hopes to study everything from jellyfish traversing a Pacific island「s saltwater lake, to migrating krill swarming a Canadian inlet.
The Explore (or Discovery) phase includes traversing the Web application as a normal user would, identifying the pages, form fields, and other inputs to the application.
这个Explore (或者Discovery)阶段包括作为一个普通用户穿越这个Web应用程序,检查这些页面,表单域,以及其它到这个应用程序的输入。
Tracing garbage collectors, such as copying, mark-sweep, and mark-compact, all start scanning from the root set, traversing references between objects, until all live objects have been visited.
And finally, after traversing a little wood glen full of toadstools, they found Hester Gray」s garden.
RETURN: The RETURN target set in a rule makes the packet matching that rule stop traversing through the chain containing the rule.
RETURN :在规则中设置的RETURN目标让与该规则匹配的信息包停止遍历包含该规则的链。
Such modifications of the document structure during parsing can result in a smaller memory footprint for the DOM tree, and also reduce the time spent traversing a document and modifying it in memory.
Next, you'll see how to create a custom component that sets the styleClass attribute for all its nested components, traversing the JSF component tree recursively.