a mill that is powered by men or animals walking on a circular belt or climbing steps
an exercise device consisting of an endless belt on which a person can walk or jog without changing place
treadmill 片语
Modular Treadmill模块化跑步机
treadmill running跑台运动
treadmill machine自行车
Secondhand Treadmill加速员工体能恢复
treadmill test平板试验
commercial treadmill商用跑步机
treadmill desk跑步机办公桌
Super Treadmill超级跑步机
treadmill 例句
you should be running on the treadmill the same way you would run outdoors.
he devotes 30 minutes to cardio exercise -- a knee operation three years ago forced him to switch from running outdoors to using a treadmill -- and the rest to weightlifting.
an electricity-generating treadmill for livestock to walk on as they eat has been invented by a north ireland farmer, foreign media reported.
the workout: simply walk backwards on the treadmill at an easy pace.
immediately switch to the treadmill and increase the speed until you reach your regular running pace.
there are many good reasons to use a treadmill as part of your training plan, but you also need to incorporate variety.
it also took twice as long until they experienced angina pain on a treadmill compared to the placebo group, and, when they felt pain, it went away faster with rest.
some people have advanced radical solutions to the sitting syndrome: replace your sit-down desk with a stand-up desk, and equip this with a slow treadmill so that you walk while you work.