stock that has been bought back by the issuing corporation and is available for retirement or resale; it is issued but not outstanding; it cannot vote and pays no dividends
treasury stock 片语
profit on treasury stock处理库存股票收益
Treasury stock surplus库存股份盈馀
Treasury y stock库存股票
treasury shares库存股份
purchase of treasury stock购买国库券
treasury ry stock库存股
subsidiary treasury stock transaction子公司库存股票交易
donated treasury stock翻译
treasury stock detail库藏股
treasury stock 例句
for this reason, the treasury stock account should appear in the balance sheet as a deduction in the stockholders「 equity section.
used primarily in the british market, where the british government issues treasury stock and seeks subscriptions.
there is a trend to imitate the treasury stock system in foreign countries to solve problems coming out from that phenomenon.
and the corporation must report information of treasury stock on the financial statements at the end of accounting period.
treasury stock is reacquired by the corporation and has not been written off. its nature is a reduction of stockholder」s equity.
the firms can logout the shares or hold them as the treasury stock after repurchase. but these shares can「t participate in calculation return per share and distribution proceeds.
treasury stock may be purchased for a variety of reasons, including to reissue them to officers and employees in profit sharing schemes or stock-option plans.
thus, any changes in stockholders」 equity resulting from treasury stock transactions are regarded as changes in paid-in capital and not included in the measurement of net income.