a port in China or Korea or Japan that once was open to foreign trade on the basis of a trading treaty
treaty port 片语
the treaty port network通商口岸体系
Treaty Port Vineyards登龙红酒
treaty port WESTBANK条约港
treaty port detail通商港口
non-treaty port自开商埠
treaty port system条约口岸
a treaty port口岸
treaty port 例句
even before its designation as a treaty port in 1842, shanghai—located at the mouth of the yangtze river—served as china「s most important international trading hub.
the late qing dynasty」s opening of treaty port developed advanced weaving techniques in many main treaty ports such as shanghai.
gone was the era of gunboat diplomacy, gone the treaty port concessions, gone the specially conceded naval bases, the military missions, the ill-disguised interference in chinese affairs.
in the view of western powers, treaty port area scope has expanded, after tianjin treaty, to within 100 li.
unlike the treaty port and concession cities like wuhan and shanghai, those 「old」 cities valued the old tradition, and old tradition can even been expressed by trifles like dining custom.
「non-treaty port」 was different from treaty port in modern china.
generally speaking, the development and changes of china's cities after the formation of the treaty port network should be regarded as the 「modernization」 of city system rather…
among them , as the earliest modernized cities , the treaty port cities , opened to the outside under the threaten of those invading western countries and through their unequal treaties .
the non treaty port is one of the important types of trading ports in modern china.