1. the highest voice part in harmonic music soprano
2. one that performs a treble part also a member of a family of instruments having the highest range
3. a high-pitched or shrill voice, tone, or sound
4. the upper half of the whole vocal or instrumental tonal range — compare bass
5. the higher portion of the audio frequency range in sound recording and broadcasting
6. something treble in construction, uses, amount, number, or value
7. relating to or having the range or part of a treble
8. high-pitched, shrill
9. of, relating to, or having the range of treble in sound recording and broadcasting
treble frequencies
10. having three parts or uses threefold
11. triple in number or amount
12. to increase threefold
13. to sing treble
14. to grow to three times the size, amount, or number
15. the highest range of sounds used in music
16. a voice or instrument that has the highest range of sound
17. having or indicating a high sound or range
18. to cause (something) to become three times as great or as many
19. to become three times as great or as many
20. the highest part in harmony having four parts soprano
21. an instrument having the highest range or part
22. a voice or sound that has a high pitch
23. the upper half of the musical pitch range
24. being three times the number or amount
25. relating to or having the range of a musical treble
26. to make or become three times as much