the thesis sets up binary tree data structure of train route, and research train route automatic arrangement search arithmetic.
the design uses hierarchical design method, with the use of chain and tree data structure to achieve the fat file system. it has well maintainability and portability.
the key of the algorithm is to create an enclosure tree data structure for contour map and then transform the enclosure tree to contour fr.
该算法的核心是生成一种称为包含树的数据结构 ,然后利用这种数据结构转换成等高线自由树 ,从而实现对等高线高程的自动标定和检验 。
the itemset lattice tree data structure was adopted to translate maximal frequent itemsets mining into the process of depth-first searching the itemset lattice tree.
by employing extensible tree data structure implemented on a sgi computer, this model provides vivid graphical visualization of root growing.
通过采用「扩展树」数据结构并在sgi 工作站上操作,这一模型能展现根系生长的生动图形。
using the tree data structure to manage the grids, the search and connectivity of data can be realized and quickened.
the unique properties of quad tree data structure and divided pyramid image into partitions by using quad tree methods;
pyrxp's tuple tree data structure
the tree data structure is also employed to enhance the real-time ability.