he sacrificed two things to suppress the tremendous force of this tower.
the intellectual economy with tremendous force effects the development of the current human economy and society.
warning: the floormen should always be aware of the tremendous force that can be applied and that the tongs could fly off suddenly, causing serious injury or fatality.
he sacrificed two things to suppress the tremendous force of this tower: his own devil「s blood and a mortal priestess.
at present, the cultural power to promote social development is a tremendous force from the grasp a higher level of community-building and cultural significance of the strategy will require.
zazen means just sitting at the very source, not moving anywhere, a tremendous force arises, a transformation of energy into light and love, into greater life, into compassion, into creativity.
he sacrificed two things to suppress the tremendous force of this tower - his own devil」s blood, and a mortal priestess.
in order to maintain the seal, you must maintain the tremendous force of the bolt.
surviving a tremendous force battle at the site of the old jedi temple, skywalker concentrated his efforts on restarting the jedi council.
they assembled a tremendous force to face the attack.
immediately his body was forced parallel to the shore by the current and was flipped and tossed about as a tremendous force pulled on his arms.