a white or pale green mineral (calcium magnesium silicate) of the amphibole group used as a form of asbestos
tremolite 片语
Tremolite rock透闪石巖
tremolite e透闪石
Chromite tremolite铬铁矿透闪石
manganoan tremolite含锰透闪石
fibrous tremolite纤维状透闪石
soda tremolite钠透闪石
Tremolite powder透闪石粉
Tremolite jade透闪石玉
asbestos tremolite阳起石
tremolite 例句
a total of 7 lung tumours occurred, 3 of which were found in chrysotile group, 2 in crocidolite group, 1 in tremolite and 1 in actinolite group.
tremolite laths and serpentine minerals are present in places.
hetian jade, also called tremolite jade, is one kind of nephrite, it is aggregation of tremolite mineral.
in this paper, a new type of whiskercalcium-magnesium silicate whisker is prepared using natural tremolite as raw material by a flow of dressing, dispersing, hydrothermal growth, and calcinations.
in order to improve the mechanical property of nylon 1010, natural mineral filler tremolite is melt and mixed with nylon 1010 to fabricate a composite.
the reactions of ringwoodite-octahedral diopside-octahedral tremolite and ringwoodite-octahedral serpentine-octahedral chlorite are dealt with in this paper.
the tremolite grain in luanchuan nephrite is bigger in size, and its structure is somewhat coarse.
ore-bearing rocks in the deposit are mainly actinolite tremolite and chlorite tremolite.