life triptych生活三联画
triptych triptich三联画
Triptych August八月三联画
Triptych Suite三联画套件
Sichuan Triptych四川记事
Annunciation TriptychThe Annunciation Triptych is an oil-on-panel triptych by the Netherlandish artist Rogier van der Weyden, dating from around 1434. It was originally formed by three panels, the central one being now at The Louvre museum in Paris, France; the side panels are at the Galleria Sabauda of Turin, northern Italy.
Agapanthus triptych百子莲三联画
Roman Triptych"Roman Triptych: Meditations" is a poem by Pope John Paul II, published in the (Vatican) in March 2003 by Libreria Editrice Vaticana, with the presentation of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. "Roman Triptych" is the only poem John Paul II wrote during his long Pontificate.
The Triptych唱片名