Thisperiod of market triumphalism coincided with confirmation by scientiststhat earlier fears about global warming had been grossly understated.
科学家们早前就证实,人们对于全球变暖这一问题太过轻描淡写。 这与那时市场的成功主义不谋而合。
All this has generated a sense of complacency, even triumphalism in the region.
But the lack of triumphalism reflects caution about the country「s prospects as well as a sense of inevitability.
Any economic triumphalism is long gone.
But all the talk of 「liberation」 and victory over the gangs will be mere triumphalism unless the authorities now hold on to the vast patch of newly recovered territory, home to some 400, 000 people.
The third problem with Asian triumphalism is that it is—as Asian leaders well know—premature.
The main challenge facing the next president will not be to blunt American exceptionalism, but to make sure that American triumphalism is not replaced by a grumpy and irresponsible isolationism.
And by the middle of the decade, Americans」 malaise was morphing into triumphalism as productivity accelerated, unemployment fell and wages rose across the board.
Mr Mahbubani「s Asian triumphalism is as futile and unconvincing as the Western triumphalism he deplores.
India」s main share-price index yesterday surged beyond the10000mark for the first time ratcheting up a popular sense of triumphalism surrounding the outlook for the country「s resurgent economy.
American officials in Baghdad are careful to avoid the misplaced triumphalism expressed immediately after the invasion five years ago.
He will not repeat the triumphalism of George Bush」s suggestion seven years ago that America's mission there has been accomplished.
The national mood contrasted starkly with the triumphalism of the mid-19th century, says Nicholas Crafts of Warwick University.
The first few days of my high school life I was pumped up by a sense of triumphalism and I was a bit stuck up.