n. 琐事
2025-01-06 21:20 浏览次数 2
n. 琐事
Domestic Trivia家常
Trivia show花絮视频
Trivia Machine智力问答机
Lotr Trivia指环王
Trivia Game益智问答游戏
Rugby Trivia橄榄球小事
Life trivia生活琐事
Trivia Genius问答
Trivia Quiz小测
finally, i’d like to tell you about a bit of trivia i bumped into on this.
and when it comes to cultural trivia — celebrity names, song lyrics — i「ve almost given up making an effort to remember anything, because i can instantly retrieve the information online.
they will tell you all about the house, its inhabitants, the items in the house, and often little bits of trivia and interesting facts.
ignoring real problems raised by the staff (about, for example, the outlets’ opening hours) and focusing on trivia (were there enough ashtrays in the customer reception area).
all of her life had been one endless, timeless wait, queuing up for food, for clothing, for buses to take her across town, and for countless trivia that made up the stuff of daily interaction.
puzzles help you use your brain to figure out the answers. crossword puzzles also have the added benefit of increasing your vocabulary and trivia knowledge.
offers jokes puzzles trivia riddles games and optical illusions–all designed to exercise your brain.
this brain teaser site provides a variety of games and trivia to challenge your mind.
i have no patience these days for jerks, for trivia — kindness and humility matter most to me.
recently, i’ve discovered qrank, a habit-forming multiple-choice trivia quiz built as an app for the iphone and facebook.
as for the complete loss of memories for names, trivia and other ordinary things that come with giving birth, the brains of new moms may simply have new priorities.
we aim to list every detail about every movie and tv show ever made, including who was in it, who made it, the plot, user ratings, trailers, photos, reviews, quotes, goofs, trivia and much more.
by 2003」s the da vinci code, brown had clearly honed his pop-lit formulation of improbable plot twists, historical trivia and travelogue.
another trivia list!
the most famous example of the genre, allows users to submit interesting new items from around the web, relating to politics, technology, celebrity trivia or anything else.
掘客网(是着此类网站的典范。 该网站允许用户上传有趣的新闻故事,内容可涉及政治、科技、名人琐事或其他任何事情。
so, the trick is, tell a nearby geek the trivia of your life, and they'll remember it better than you do.