n. (Trojan) 特洛伊人;勇士;勤勉的人
adj. (Trojan) 特洛伊的;特洛伊人的
n. (Trojan) (美、波、德)特罗扬(人名)
2025-01-06 21:20 浏览次数 2
n. (Trojan) 特洛伊人;勇士;勤勉的人
adj. (Trojan) 特洛伊的;特洛伊人的
n. (Trojan) (美、波、德)特罗扬(人名)
"the contents of a trojan can be a virus or a worm"
"when he downloaded the free game it turned out to be a trojan horse"
trojan horse特洛伊木马;特洛伊木马(一种计算机病毒)
Trojan Killer木马查杀工具
Trojan software特洛伊软件
Trojan Horses特洛伊木马;木马程式(Trojan horse的复数)
trojan war特洛伊战争
Trojan dropper特洛伊植入程序
XSS Trojan跨站式木马
Trojan asteroid
N one of a number of asteroids that have the same mean motion and orbit as Jupiter, preceding or following the planet by a longitude of 60° 特洛伊小行星
Trojan Remover木马清除器
Trojan Hero特洛依勇士
Trojan Ender反黑精英(软件名称)
On stage, he appeared in plays like The Seagull, Twelfth Night, and Trojan Women.
Or an attacker might be able to install a Trojan horse program or unsolicited E-mail sending software, aim at financial enrichment or cause brand name damage by modifying company resources.
Nothing will slow your system down like a virus, a Trojan horse, or other types of malware.
Trojan Hunter: Protects system from Trojans.
Trojan Technologies Inc. of Ontario, North America「s dominant maker of ultraviolet disinfection equipment for treating sewage, is a key supplier to Aquarius and other companies.
位于安大略的TrojanTechnologiesInc.是Aquarius等公司的主要供应商。 它是北美用于污水处理的紫外线消毒设备的主要生产商。
Hastings」 Trojan horse-netflix「s software, embedded on myriad consumer devices-is already in place.
She supported welfare reform. If the right regards her as a Trojan horse for left-wing liberalism, the left regards her as a Trojan horse for corporate Clintonism.
Many computer viruses, worms, and Trojan horses are designed to exploit weak passwords.
This Trojan is a typical phishing email, and millions of copies have been sent around the world.
The Trojan is easy to recognize once it has infected a computer, as when it is run it displays a message on-screen.
This Trojan operates in the same sandbox that other apps do.
The researchers warn that although it appears to be a somewhat contained threat, they expect the Trojan to continue to evolve and spread — affecting more ATMs.
研究人员警告,虽然它现在的危害不是很严重,但是估计该木马将继续进化或传播——届时将感染更多的AT M。
Other themed rooms include a newly opened Trojan Horse, a Troll Forest, a South Seas sailing ship and a Wine Room.
A Trojan is a virus that requires the user to execute it, and it usually 「disguises」 itself as a legitimate program in order to accomplish this.
When the Trojan is installed, it begins running in the background and sending SMS messages, without the user」s consent, to premium rate phone Numbers.
They claim that our insistence on something larger, something firmer and more honest in our public life is just a Trojan Horse for higher taxes and the abandonment of traditional values.
Trojan horse Malware that masquerades as non-malicious software.
If it succeeds, the attack will download a Trojan with a keylogger component that many anti-virus software packages do not yet identify, according to Websense.