a trojan horse program, it is used for study.
in some respects, the requirements to obtain the box is a trojan horse in your house. another potential source of income is the measurement bandwidth.
he said the new malware, dubbed duqu, was a trojan horse designed to collect and relay back information about the host system.
or an attacker might be able to install a trojan horse program or unsolicited e-mail sending software, aim at financial enrichment or cause brand name damage by modifying company resources.
they claim that our insistence on something larger, something firmer and more honest in our public life is just a trojan horse for higher taxes and the abandonment of traditional values.
trojan horse malware that masquerades as non-malicious software.
at last the paper describes the progress of executing trojan horse and affords all-around test result.
based on that, has completed the design and the realization of a kind of kernel hacking trojan horse finally.
assistant speculate in gold and completely free, no plug-ins, no trojan horse for the green software, you can extract, and do not need to install.
the playstation 3 was used as a trojan horse to get this technology standard accepted by the world.
conservative critics contend the movement is a trojan horse for a secret soros agenda.
arp discussed in the text of the virus in my fault, the fault principle. and gives the user inspection and handling of the 「arp spoofing」 trojan horse approach.
a better protection against trojan horses requires a thorough understanding of the work principles of the trojan horse program and methods of its application.
the breakingpoint system delivered a strike level 5 test that included exploits, network worms, denial-of-service attack, reconnaissance attacks, trojan horse and backdoor intrusions.
outfitted with a keystroke-capture mechanism, the trojan horse records the user names and passwords.
the trojan horse avoids antivirus software, fire wall's alarm, the perception of the system manager and decrease probability of being detected trojan horse.