the ship was moving and so were the lights, together with the lamplights on the running trolley buses and cars on the opposite streets.
船在移动,灯光也跟着在移动起来。 而且电车汽车上的灯也在飞跑。
the authorities said they would prohibit train, bus and trolley operators from carrying cellphones while working.
some people deliberately pick up a basket rather than collect a trolley in supermarkets, to prevent themselves from buying too much.
trolley cars, telegraph poles, sidewalks, lamp-posts, and any other structures capable of blocking traffic would become obsolete.
as i was walking back to the trolley in the darkening streets — the wall street journal was then at 44 broad street — the newsboys were all out on the streets shouting their extras.
never mind the ballot box: vote with your supermarket trolley instead.
montgomery has a 120-year-old trolley system, called the lightning route, which circulates around the downtown area and is mainly used by tourists.
and so if you see a law saying blacks have to sit in the back of a trolley car, you would say, why do you need a law?
luckily, you can pull a lever and divert the trolley to another track.
the expansive, highly regarded zoo is located in the uptown area of thecity, near the end of the famed st. charles avenue trolley line.
the idea of changing the world by voting with your trolley may be beguiling. but if consumers really want to make a difference, it is at the ballot box that they need to vote.
a trolley train that crashed into another train in may 2008 in newton, massachusetts.