a wheeled vehicle that runs on rails and is propelled by electricity;
"`tram' and `tramcar' are British terms"
trolley car 片语
The Trolley Car有轨电车
trackless trolley car无轨电车
trolley car WESTBANK查道车
railroad car trolley car有轨电车
trackle trolley car无轨电车
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B Trolley Car Ln地址
street car有轨电车,电车
tailless trolley car无轨电车
Trolley racing car手推车赛车
trolley car 例句
This time you「re a doctor in an emergency room and six patients come to you. They」ve been in a terrible trolley car wreck.
A tragic trolley car accident left Kahlo crippled and strenuously struggling with pain for the remainder of her life.
The trolley car is a runaway thing and you「re making a split second choice.
They」ve been in a very terrible trolley car wrack .
How many would turn the trolley car onto the side track?
The new trolley car is 12m long, installed with old-fashioned wooden seats and modern mobile TVs, and has a maximum 84-passenger capacity.
Suppose you「re the driver of a trolley car, and your trolley car is hurtling down the track at 6 miles an hour.
Let」s consider another trolley car case and see whether those of you in the majority want to adhere to the principle 「better that one should die so that five should live.」