office worker jin fen, 26, said he spends an hour and half every day trolling the web for bargains.
but maybe to put it a slightly different way, they「re trolling the waterfront.
maybe climate change is a threat, and maybe climate change has been tarted up by climatologists trolling for research grant cash.
banner on the back of an electric buggy trolling hanoi」s old quarter reads 「thanh long hanoi international tourism festival」.
sure, trolling for a mate online is easy; but it「s also potentially treacherous: on the internet, you can」t tell if a prospective date is a dog.
but before the golddiggers start trolling the newport beach craigslist sites for well-bankrolled mates, consider this: high-income towns don「t always equate to great wealth.
don’t shy away from trolling the web for 「horror stories」 about that particular package and then calling the cio of the company.
after trolling the internet for architecture jobs, i landed one interview, but nothing came of it.
potential underwriters who are trolling for worthy projects sponsor almost all of the competitions.
tuna can be caught using nets or by trolling hooks on long lines through the water, o」connor says.
i began trolling the web for information and code.
as an aggregate blog that just officially launched, it was designed to stop everyone from trolling for good content and just have the best of the best content in one place.
right now, there are three different lure types available for trolling and three different lure types available for casting.
现在对trolling有三种不同鱼饵类型,casting 有三种不同鱼饵类型。
if you「re looking for something specific, it will be easier to find in a text editor instead of trolling back through your console.
sally can spend an hour or more on a task—grading papers, ironing shirts, or trolling dog sites—and not say very much.
this type is evaluated for one of two strings: trolling or casting.
today」s wealthy, aside from being intensely private, are so pressed for time and overloaded with existing social commitments that they may have little interest in trolling the web for new pals.
a banner on the back of an electric buggy trolling hanoi’s old quarter reads 「thanh long hanoi international tourism festival」.