2009 is much more dangerous as the u.s. troop withdrawal issue becomes imminent.
it is part of a gradual troop withdrawal that comes as a result of increased security and stability in the region.
last week, the house debated and voted along party lines for a timetable for an american troop withdrawal by next spring.
had once called for troop withdrawal to begin by the end of 2006.
romney said he wanted u.s. and iraqi leaders to discuss timetables and milestones privately, and will not support a troop withdrawal until iraq is secure.
georgia is expressing skepticism about russia「s troop withdrawal announcement, even as russian tanks and soldiers pull back from position deep inside georgian territory.
u. s. president barack obama is expected to announce the size of an american troop withdrawal from afghanistan, within the next few weeks.
the move comes amid calls from iraqis for the united states to come up with a troop withdrawal timetable.
gates says the initial us troop withdrawal from afghanistan in july 2011 might involve only a small number of troops.
the deadline for complete troop withdrawal by end of 2011 was set during former president george w bush」s term in office.
a newly ratified u.s.-iraqi security agreement sets a timetable for u.s. troop withdrawal by 2012.
s. -iraqi security agreement sets a timetable for u. s. troop withdrawal by 2012.
australian officials have said their troop withdrawal from iraq will be conducted in a manner that will minimize problems for the u.s.-led military coalition there.
russian president yeltsin and german chancellor kohl chaired the troop withdrawal ceremony and delivered speeches.
georgian officials described their troop withdrawal from south ossetia「s capital as a goodwill measure aimed at stopping the military confrontation.
the taliban called mr. obama」s troop withdrawal plan 「only a symbolic step」 that will not satisfy 「the war-weary international community or the american people. 」
sponsored talks that paved the way for an ethiopian troop withdrawal from somalia last month, sheik sharif was elected president of somalia's interim government by an expanded parliament.