the lowest atmospheric layer; from 4 to 11 miles high (depending on latitude)
troposphere 片语
troposphere circulation对流层环流
troposphere propagation对流层传播
higher troposphere上对流层
troposphere front对流层锋
oceanic troposphere大洋对流层
troposphere model对流层模型
high troposphere对流层高层
Troposphere atmosphere对流层大气
troposphere 例句
the stratosphere begins about 12 kilometres up, above the troposphere where weather systems like the monsoon develop.
but in the stratosphere, ozone concentration sharp rise, the moisture content is extremely small, there will not be a cloud phenomenon, stratospheric than troposphere to dry much.
or it may be, as others have suggested in the past, that the long-term trend, as the troposphere warms up, will be to a wetter, more warming lower stratosphere, too.
this is because the top of the troposphere is normally very cold, causing ascending water vapour to freeze into ice crystals that drift and fall, rather than continuing up into the stratosphere.
at the beginning of the 20th century, nikola tesla proposed using huge coils to transmit electricity through the troposphere to power homes.
terra’s measurements of pollution in the troposphere (mopitt) tracked the fire’s carbon monoxide emissions all the way to louisiana.
the dynamic response to the heating imbalance is such as to converge heat into the upper troposphere of the desert regions.
over the past decade this stormy effect seems to have been pronounced, with the coldest parts of the tropical troposphere getting about a degree colder.
the line between the troposphere and the rest of the blue-colored atmosphere is called the tropopause.
as a rule, the temperature in the troposphere decreases steadily with increasing altitude until the tropopause is reached.