add in enough water to cover the trotter and cook for about 15 minutes.
morning before work when the temperature before adding the soup pot with the trotter has scented a.
trotter receives about $1,000 a month in unemployment benefits. but that「s about $200 less than the paycheck she brought home when she was working.
transfer the trotter from the presser cooker to the wok and bring to a boil. add in dried chili and flavoured with salt.
she just wanted to let trotter know that once she receives her application, she」ll make sure it gets to the right person.
the formula and processing technology of box-packaged chinese-style oiled trotter are de-tailed. emphases are laid on the technical points and quality requirements for this product.
for days, trotter has been waiting on a call from a woman in the hr department at a security company.
after becoming the fourth-biggest lottery winners in british history, mr trotter and his partner nicky ottaway, 33, celebrated modestly with two bottles of beer.
「we are going to get the vehicle examined, so that we can find out whether or not there is any mechanical defect, which may help to explain what happened, 」 trotter told reporters.
and, missus trotter seemed to have grown tired of her job.
remove and place the trotter in a pressure cooker together with the dried mushrooms, ginger slices, spring onion, rice wine, soya sauces and star anise.
but the phone call comes while trotter is giving her two children a bath.
「i just need an hour to do some applications,」 trotter says in a desperate voice to her boyfriend. 「it「s not like i can do it when you」re not here, because you have your phone.
they were sure that missus trotter could be trusted and that it was safe to leave the money in her name.
you just don「t know,」 trotter says. "there」s so much uncertainty, and i know for a person like me, it really takes a toll.
wouldn't you like to go meet missus trotter once before we leave?