v. 解决重大问题;排除……的故障
2025-01-06 21:21 浏览次数 2
v. 解决重大问题;排除……的故障
1. to operate or serve as a troubleshooter
is troubleshooting for an electronics firm
2. to investigate or deal with in the role of troubleshooter
troubleshoots TV receivers troubleshoot a problem
troubleshoot detail发现缺点
Troubleshoot Filters故障排除
service troubleshoot维护检修
jeungngoihsāuléih troubleshoot障碍修理
troubleshoot options排除选项
Troubleshoot compatibility兼容性疑难解答
troubleshoot directory故障树
Troubleshoot Problems排除问题
to troubleshoot排查故障
it provides information about various log and trace files created and how to troubleshoot with these files.
if logs are needed to troubleshoot a problem, you can turn up logging as needed.
it lets you set the traps to detect and troubleshoot problem areas.
a new set of debugging messages is available to help you troubleshoot pipe and pipeline development.
generally, you do not need to review them when using the archive to troubleshoot a problem, but they are useful when debugging the automated collector behavior itself.
part v looked at how to implement an automated infrastructure for better deployment management, including ways to provision, configure, tune, and troubleshoot applications.
here we describe how to troubleshoot the most common problems that you might encounter.
in part 2 of this article series, we「ll go into further detail about how to configure the out of office agent, and look at how to troubleshoot some potential issues you and your users may encounter.
在本系列的第 2部分中,我们将进一步详细讨论如何配置离开办公室代理,并研究如何解决您及您的用户可能会遇到的一些潜在问题。
sometimes, though, you need to do something different or troubleshoot problems. this article covers some of these situations.
the more complexity and layers that are involved, the more difficult it is to troubleshoot an application.
this jdbc test link can help troubleshoot jdbc connectivity for most database vendors.
if you know how logging activities affect your database and operating system, you will be able to successfully and efficiently troubleshoot the problems that can arise from logging errors.
also, if you are having problems with a particular service on a system, you can let the others run while you continue to troubleshoot the problem.
this data can now be used to determine the percentage of outliers for each page and troubleshoot potential bottlenecks.
this can also help you troubleshoot problems that may develop.
how are you going to be able to understand how to troubleshoot your network devices unless you really understand your network?
you need to learn to troubleshoot collision and error problems before you even begin to think about tuning.
sometimes we need to do a bit more than that to help us troubleshoot or optimize. sometimes we just need more detail.
in my experience, one of the most significant benefits with scorching your environment is to provide a way to troubleshoot problems more expeditiously.
some of the tools allow you to troubleshoot a performance problem quickly while others capture data for historical trending and analysis.
at one customer site, we were able to troubleshoot a machine that was 60 miles away from us in the comfort of the customer」s office.