
2025-01-06 21:21 浏览次数 2



adj. 令人不安的; 令人烦恼的

troubling 英语释义


  • causing distress or worry or anxiety;

    "distressing (or disturbing) news"

    "lived in heroic if something distressful isolation"

    "a disturbing amount of crime"

    "a revelation that was most perturbing"

    "a new and troubling thought"

    "in a particularly worrisome predicament"

    "a worrying situation"

    "a worrying time"

troubling 片语


make trouble捣乱;制造麻烦

hidden trouble隐患

And Troubling而困扰

give someone trouble给别人添麻烦

get into trouble使自己或他人陷入困扰之境

Troubling Education恼人的教育

have trouble with与...有纠纷;有...的病痛

stomach trouble胃病

Troubling Information烦心事

troubling layer混浊层

have trouble在...有困难

trouble shooting问题解答

in trouble在监禁中;处于不幸中;处困难中

heart trouble心脏病

out of trouble摆脱麻烦;脱离了困境

in times of trouble在患难的时候

run into trouble陷入困境之中

borrow trouble自找麻烦,杞人忧天

troubling line故障线

cause trouble肇事

trouble shoot故障查找

give oneself trouble尽力

a sea of troubles困难重重;无穷无尽的麻烦

make trouble for给……带来麻烦

Troubling Love讨厌的爱

troubling 例句


  • the only really troubling thing in this picture is that he never seems to make any time for you.


  • one of the most troubling of these problems is the impact of race on jury selection.


  • the authors say one of the more troubling findings of their report is the high level of aid volatility to the fragile states.


  • and for those on the sidelines without a job it「s a troubling requirement.


  • they had been troubling her for some months and while she was not embarrassed to talk about bodily function she had, as many do, been putting off coming to the doctor.


  • she suggests that people start a journal on what things may be troubling them.


  • a particularly troubling question is whether officers involved in the case had in the past been paid as informants by tabloids.


  • in vice, the attraction of the abnormal creates a troubling anxiety: the spirit seems to have become blood and stirs in the flesh like an immanent force.


  • ok, well let’s have a listen to the extract, and see if you can hear the troubling question that people find themselves asking their doctors?


  • perhaps the least troubling of these risks is the potential for distortions of allocation, whereby some parts of the economy are overstimulated by low interest rates.


  • nevertheless, the speed of the industry’s expansion is raising some troubling questions.


  • when patients talked freely about the things that were troubling them they often felt better.


  • but more than half a century after nuclear weapons and foreign policy was published, it still offers swift, searing insights into human nature and a deeply troubling contemporary relevance.


  • this is, to me, especially troubling since the tools we use let them reverse-engineer a class diagram from their code.


  • as we absorb other people」s stress, we can begin to feel stressed too - and to focus on issues that might be troubling us.


  • the radiance and charm of the bewitching marian sheds light on everyone she loves and betrays, her fate as troubling and inevitable as the passing of time, and the passing of love.


  • these troubling trends in shrimp imports are a serious concern for american consumers, given that they eat shrimp more than any other seafood.


  • gradually it becomes clear what is troubling franny; she suffers, like holden caulfield, from an intense weariness of all that is phony, from an oversensitivity to the world.

