a channel along the eaves or on the roof; collects and carries away rainwater
a treasury for government funds
a concave shape with an open top
a narrow depression (as in the earth or between ocean waves or in the ocean bed)
a long narrow shallow receptacle
a container (usually in a barn or stable) from which cattle or horses feed
trough 片语
Middle Trough中部槽
wave trough[物] 波谷
trough valley槽谷
feeding trough饲槽
immersion trough浸槽
refuse trough垃圾槽
water trough水槽;饮水槽
Cayman Trough开曼海沟
trough mixer竖桶式拌和机;槽式拌和机,槽式混合机
glacial trough冰川槽
warm trough[气象]
trough 例句
krugman said the united states is caught in a post-recession trough so bleak that 「we「re going to look at japan」s 「lost decade」 as a success story」 by comparison.
house prices will have bottomed out in america, the place where it all began: national prices will at last hit a trough some 35-40% below their 2006 peak.
rich-world trade has recovered from the trough too, though it has not yet made up all the ground lost since the credit crunch began.
the proportion of working-age people with jobs is lower than in the trough of the recession.
whether single or not our trough may be over flowing with the love we have for god and our world encompassing true values.
these cycles often take a generation to play out from peak to trough and to peak again.
it was during the trough after the internet bubble that it became trivially cheap to start a startup, but few realized it because startups were so out of fashion.