n. (Trove)(美、意、瑞)特罗韦(人名)
n. (有价值或令人喜爱的)藏品;无主财宝,埋藏物;宝库
2025-01-06 21:21 浏览次数 1
n. (Trove)(美、意、瑞)特罗韦(人名)
n. (有价值或令人喜爱的)藏品;无主财宝,埋藏物;宝库
a treasure trove藏宝地
art trove现成艺术品
Trove of Elemental Evil邪恶元素宝藏
treasure trove无主财宝,埋葬物;宝藏,宝库;不为人知的有价值收藏;贵重物品的收藏
qdata trove怎么弄明基一键还原
Treasure e Trove宝藏
Treasure Trove Unit英国宝藏部门
Trivia Trove不说你不知
Auspicious Treasure Trove吉祥糖果宝库
this is a trove of information, but it needs to be understood in context before meaningful conclusions can be drawn.
enter on groundlevel to find quirky homewares and stationery, then head downstairs tothe vintage treasure trove below!
yet this treasure trove of great female comics comes nowhere near the number of men there are making us laugh on stage and screen. why?
for those who exploit the tar sands, which contain the world’s second-largest trove of oil, this is a welcome forecast.
the guardian suggested — to increase the impact as well as to share the labor of handling such a trove — that the new york times be invited to share this exclusive bounty.
这份从天而降的「无价之宝」,既要花费功夫淘出货来,又要尽量扩大它的影响力。 因此,《纽约时报》被邀请来同《卫报》一起分享这块大蛋糕,消息供源表示同意。
yet, under the surface, it is a treasure trove of information about behaviors of the users, and trends at the local and global levels.
what really helps developers is giving them access to your treasure trove of underlying apps and services in way that makes their job easy.
the planetary treasure trove was found using an instrument called harps—short for high accuracy radial velocity planet searcher—at the european southern observatory「s la silla facility in chile.
but what struck us, and reassured us, about the latest trove of classified documents released by wikileaks was the absence of any real skullduggery.
classic books, old-time radio theater, historical radio and television broadcasts and more make my audio school a treasure trove for educators, parents and students alike.
hulu has channeled a seemingly endless trove of tv shows through a web site more than worthy of broadcast-quality content.
the key is motorola」s patent treasure trove of 17,000 patents and 7,500 awaiting approval.
there「s a treasure trove of great women comics right now, but why so few, compared with the number of funny men on stage and screen?
「[it] will be a treasure trove of information, of memories, of lessons and guidance for generations to come, 」 said the us secretary of state on a recent trip to africa.
it is a set of integrated tools that contain a treasure trove of facts and transactions about key development processes, and that can be mined and analyzed for compliance reporting against standards.
like the disciplined militant he is, he will take his trove of secrets to the grave.
「we had a treasure trove of unbelievable content from real supporters to work with, 」 rospars says.
「我们有一个由真正的支持者们创造的令人难以置信的宝库可供挑选 ,」rospars说。
to its fans, it is a laudable effort by a publicly minded company to unlock a treasure trove of hidden knowledge.
but at the stern of the ship, divers found a trove of gold and silver and high-grade ceramics whose significance is more mysterious.
this treasure trove of information is a key to operators remaining relevant in the age of google and facebook.
still, 「a celebration of harold pinter」 is a stirring tribute to a man who lived boldly, and the trove of work—some of it overlooked—that he left behind.
london」slargest indoor market is a treasure trove of antique and vintageclothes, collectables and 20th century design pieces.
yet this treasure trove of great female comics comes nowhere near the number of men there are making us laugh on stage and screen.
now, in his 200th anniversary year, we have found a real treasure trove right in the middle of cambridge.
rudder is the gatekeeper of the trove of data that have been collected by okcupid since its inception in 2004.
mixing lively writing with an eye for the telling detail, mr robertson has delivered a charming trove of ingenuity in unexpected places.