baltimore has gotten high marks and lots of news coverage for reducing both the dropout rate and truancy rate by half in just three years.
each incidence of truancy will impact the citizenship credit.
amerika「s generaly approach to truancy and delinquency is to lock them up and throw away the key while conveniently ignoring the social aspects of violent crime thereby compounding the problem.
his truancy was a constant problem.
the school truancy problem is worse than thought.
call it a last-ditch effort to tackle truancy in orange county.
the basis of state laws on homeschooling is the result of truancy laws that require children to attend school.
but every year, seneca middle school principal al leroy gets a list with the names of incoming 7th-graders with a history of truancy and bad behavior.
it was a day for impulse and truancy .
but its critics argue that it fails to deal with the key causes of inequality—low-quality teaching, crumbling buildings and widespread truancy in state schools.
「the schools love it, because it supposedly avoids truancy and saves teachers」 time, 」 she says. 「and the pupils tend to love it, because it seems to be all about being futuristic and exciting.」
previously, the truancy figures were based on averages compiled by secondaries once a year.
of the 13, 000 households who lost their grant because of school truancy in july, almost half were in s?o paulo alone.
if seemed that truancy became a serious problem in this school.
xiao suggests that li was just showing his understanding of truancy in a limited number of cases.
and there is overlap, the experts point out: a child who misses a great deal of school for reasons that look like truancy may become increasingly anxious — and embarrassed — about going back.
the new york city department of education has turned to celebrity wake up calls to help deal with the problem of truancy and chronic absence among students.
the truancy phenomena of college students happen frequently. the situation is so complicated with various reasons.
the taxonomy of school refusal — from school phobia to truancy — is complicated, and it has changed over time. experts now tend to break down the behaviors by motivation.