in his small studio on west 37th street, mr. wu, with close-cropped hair and a lineless face, wore a cardigan and a necktie and looked like a truant from boarding school.
others play truant because the teaching is truly dissatisfactory.
he would not go to school, but it was not playing truant and going on the streets.
within forty minutes her head was coveded with tiny, closelying curls that made her look wonderfully like a truant schoolboy.
naturally our whole being was depressed as we stepped through its doorway into the narrow quadrangle--and playing truant became chronic with us.
w: tommy played truant today. his teacher called me this morning.
he says he would often play truant from school just to get back at his father.
coulson also points to a flaw in auction procedure that lets truant buyers off the hook: houses do not have to honor most defaulted bids.
she plays truant now and then.
socially isolated at school, she often played truant and was seen as a troublemaker.
in cities that have tried the program such as baltimore and san antonio, average attendance of truant students jumped from 77 percent up to 95 percent, the register reported.
another internet success story johny b. truant summarized the idea of focusing on one thing in life this way: 「carving out one aspect of yourself and saying “this is who i am」 is dumb.”
另一个网络上成功的故事,johnyb.truant 把在生活中专心致志的做一件事的想法进行了这样的总结:「拿出你自己的一个方面并且说‘这就是我’是愚蠢的。」
children who play truant from school are unimaginative.