a truce now, if hamas really did stop its fire, could be presented to voters as the successful rehabilitation of israeli deterrence.
the palestinian militant group hamas says it will honor an unofficial truce with israel after signing a reconciliation deal with fatah.
in damascus, hamas announced that the six-month-old gaza truce with israel would not be renewed when it expires on friday.
only after a short truce was agreed were the envoys packed into armoured un vehicles and taken to safety.
「one of the main factors contributing to the deterioration of the security situation in the country is the de facto truce in the tribal areas beyond the border, 」 he said.
u.n. peacekeeping operations began in 1948 with the deployment of unarmed u.n. military observers in the middle east to monitor the truce between israel and its arab neighbors.
联合国的维和使命始于1948年。 当时,联合国派遣了不携带武器的军事观察员到中东地区,观察以色列与其阿拉伯邻国之间的停火。
defense minister ehud barak said he hopes truce efforts will succeed.
he claims that a unilateral truce declared in april 2009 remains in force.
a partial truce was subsequently declared and mr huang's sister and lawyer joined the board.
but within hours of the latest truce being announced, reports were coming in of continuing clashes.
the more realistic outcome is an unsatisfactory, brokered truce that leaves hamas wounded but alive and able to regenerate — and israel only temporarily safe from attack.
on occasions when a truce is struck between neighbors, the pair will merge territories—temporarily.
but that truce could not hide the fact that the two sides have starkly different analyses of what has gone wrong in america.
but tuesdays attack was the first major attack since the government announced last week that it was pulling out of a truce that had consistently been breached by both sides.
this marks another phase of a truce in a protracted diplomatic war.