his demagogues, who bear names like aaron blue-skin, are as meanly truculent as cooper「s anti-renters.
as awareness of the climate threat has taken hold, we’ve drawn contempt, as much for president bush’s truculent dismissal of the kyoto protocol as for the amount of greenhouse gases we emit.
he was in no truculent state of mind now.
my boss is very truculent and he is also very aggressive.
i wasn」t allowed on msnbc unless balanced by at least one truculent right-winger.
in sum, it seems that the solar ponds effect is an important reason for the truculent death of prawn in the seawater ponds after the rain.
i am pleased to see that truculent boy has matured into a sensible young man.
he become very truculent and start argue with me angrily.
i remember her bringing me up to a truculent and red-faced old gentleman covered all over with orders and ribbons.
but their truculent honesty makes for a paradoxical and amusingly human revelation.
in the progress of industrialization, the activities of natural resources exploitation have become truculent and made a great menace to the existence of human being.
from rich family, also strong, the academic record is very good, but also likes fighting, does something truculent and unreasonable, other class schoolmates do not dare to contradict generally to him.
as allies of barack obama seek procedural tricks to slip his health reforms through a truculent congress, his colombian counterpart, álvaro uribe, is not bothering with such niceties.
with the rise of china's military, an american military that might face cuts at home, and a less stable and more truculent north korea, the east asian environment can no longer be taken for granted.
it was his usual aspect, and a truculent one.