True Blood中文,True Blood的意思,True Blood翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:21 浏览次数 2

True Blood


True Blood 片语


Robert Martin true blood特鲁布拉德

true blood Committee特鲁布拉德委员会

True Blood Live Wallpaper真爱如血动态壁纸

The True Blood真爱如血

Robert true blood特鲁布罗德

Elton true blood特布莱

True Blood tdnwucom HDMV真爱如血第三季

True Blood Omnibus南方吸血鬼系列

True Blood S真爱如血第二季

True Blood 例句


  • Dead Until Dark is the first book in Charlaine Harris「Southern Vampire series, which inspired the HBO TV series True Blood .


  • True Blood is back in June.


  • The cast of True Blood brought many interesting things to their characters.


  • The former True Blood star - and Calvin Klein underwear model - takes it off while working up a sweat during a triathlon in Hawaii.


  • There are many reasons to love the mighty True Blood and my colleague Grace Dent has already nailed many of them in this brilliant piece.


  • Pop singer Ricky Martin, music mogul Russell Simmons and HBO TV drama True Blood have won awards from the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.


  • We also know that True Blood season 7 is the show」s last.


  • Satisfy your thirst for True Blood season 4 with the official Live Wallpaper!


  • Art has to do with the soul. I「m not saying that True Blood is a work of art but I」m saying that it「s not about the bodies; it has to do with the connection that exists between people.


  • Is it because of that 「explicit content」 that True Blood has to be more visceral than, let」s say, Twilight?


  • Help satisfy your thirst for season 4 by putting True Blood on your home screen.

