4. completely faithful and loyal to a person or an idea
5. loyal to the ideas of the British Conservative party
6. very faithful
true blue 片语
True blue willnever strain真金不怕火炼
true-blue zealous热诚的
true-blue e忠诚的
the light true and blue真实的蓝色的光芒
True Blue Gold粉蓝色和金色
True Blue Motor Inn真蓝汽车旅馆
True Blue Hearts蔚蓝的天与真正的她
True-blue Greens忠实的绿色主义者
square true-blue uncompromising不妥协的
true blue 例句
these days he still lives in the new york area and broadcasts on the radio about the game, including on the chelsea true blue show.
如今他仍然住在纽约地区并为广播电台解说足球比赛,其中也包括了切尔西的true blue节目。
true blue zuckerberg fans and tech nerds alike can’t do without this novelty action figure of the world’s youngest billionaire from mic gadget.
the black north and true blue bible.
被 荒废的北部,确实正统的《圣经》。
oh boy, that「s a true blue friend.
in fact, when my old, true blue samsung model dies, i’ll probably upgrade to something a little more advanced.
true blue positive cells could been found in cerebral somatic sensory cortex in the sci treatment group under fluorescence microscope, but not found in the sci control group.
while the flower might appear more silver-purple than sky-blue, applause is the nearest to a true blue rose yet.
and at home, he was a true blue asian father.
ed was true blue when our company met rough times and other workers were deserting us.
despite the fact that patrick」s life is turned upside down and his big chance to succeed at work is put in grave jeopardy, he can't turn his back on his new, true blue friends.