The RMS radiodetector with comprehensive function is used at measuring true power at signal independently, ensured very tall repeatability and accuracy.
Arkham: I have the true power of Sparda...!
Never before have I believed more firmly that the right to protest, to argue and disagree, and to vote is where America「s true power resides.
If we imagine that technology can take the place of the living human presence experienced through oral tradition, then we diminish ourselves and forget the true power of stories.
The true power of the rewriting rules, though, shines when using regular expressions, as we」ll see in this section.
This was when I realized that the true power of Twitter is open and real-time communication of information among individuals and groups.
The true power of these substitutions will become apparent in the next section.
Neither of the above examples truly shows off the true power of either Perl or Python, nor was that my intent in a short article.
The test code provided in this article will reveal the true power of Cell/B.E. processing for threaded applications, and to some extent, the vector processing capabilities of the SPEs.
本文中提供的测试代码将展示Cell/B.E. 系统给线程化应用程序带来的巨大改进,并在某种程度上展示SPE的向量处理功能。
It has some overhead, but its true power is in its simplicity of use.
On the steep slopes of Mount Hyjal, Archimonde gave the world a taste of the true power of the Burning Legion「s fury.
The true power of Rails is that you can write tests as fast as you can write code.
Perceiving someone else’s true power and inner light, even if they don’t show it on the surface, is like calling someone by their true name.
You」ll create a method to process each list element individually, which is the true power of Lisp. Define it as follows.
After years of trying to reason with managers, I finally came to realize that the true power lay in the hands of practitioners; of responsible craftsmen; of us.
The gameplay API and framework classes are available to both of these systems, which can be used separately, but show their true power when used in conjunction to compliment each other.
Zeus: Now I will show you the true power of a god!