adj. 真实的;确实的
2025-01-06 21:22 浏览次数 2
adj. 真实的;确实的
1. being in accordance with the actual state of affairs
true description
2. conformable to an essential reality
3. fully realized or fulfilled
dreams come true
4. ideal, essential
5. being that which is the case rather than what is manifest or assumed
the true dimension of the problem
6. consistent
true to character
7. properly so called
true love the true faith the true stomach of ruminant mammals
8. possessing the basic characters of and belonging to the same natural group as
a whale is a true but not a typical mammal
9. typical
the true cats
10. steadfast, loyal
11. honest, just
12. truthful
13. legitimate, rightful
our true and lawful king
14. that is fitted or formed or that functions accurately
15. conformable to a standard or pattern accurate
16. determined with reference to the earth's axis rather than the magnetic poles
true north
17. logically necessary
18. narrow, strict
in the truest sense
19. corrected for error
20. in accordance with fact or reality
21. without deviation
the bullet flew straight and true
22. without variation from type
breed true
23. truth, reality —usually used with the
24. the quality or state of being accurate (as in alignment or adjustment) —used in the phrases in true and out of true
25. to make level, square, balanced, or concentric bring or restore to a desired mechanical accuracy or form
true up a board true up an engine cylinder
26. in a straight line
27. the quality or state of being straight, flat, even, etc.
28. agreeing with the facts accurate
a true story
29. completely loyal faithful
You are a true friend.
30. consistent or in accordance with
The movie is true to the book.
31. properly so called genuine
Mosses have no true seeds.
32. placed or formed accurately exact
true pitch
33. being or holding by right legitimate
the true owner
34. fully realized or fulfilled
It's a dream come true.
35. in agreement with fact truthfully
She speaks true.
36. in an accurate manner accurately
The arrow flew straight and true.
37. the quality or state of being accurate (as in alignment)
The door is out of true.
38. to bring to exactly correct condition as to place, position, or shape
Country Truest Company乡村信托公司
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The First Truest Eric最真最初的巫启贤
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No matter how vagabond ourheart are, there are always some things on which we can land, wishing the truest bailment at the moment when missing ispassing.
无论心情怎样漂泊,总有一些东西可以让我们着陆,在某个剎那,当思念闪过,希望会有最真实的寄托。 。
In other words we「ll practice the truest form of constructive criticism: Instead of complaining about missing language features, we」ll implement them.
Marriage is intended to be a way in which man and woman help each other to become what God meant each one to be, their deepest and truest selves.
AMERICA is the country, said Alexis DE Tocqueville, where the bonds of marriage are most respected and the concept of connubial bliss 「has its highest and truest expression.」
AlexisdeTocque ville曾说,在美国这个国家,婚姻的缔结是最受尊重的,婚姻幸福的观念有着最高程度和最真实的表现。
The recent talks have also come together quicker than initially thought given that the GDSs are keen to have 「full content」 in its truest sense rather than what used to be termed as full content.
This is using someone else「s code in the truest sense: you」re even letting the third party host the code your application USES.
Of all the explanations for Barack Obama「s Nobel peace prize, the one that rang truest came from Nicolas Sarkozy. 「It sets the seal on America」s return to the heart of all the world「s peoples.」
But the truest measure of their success is much simpler: flavor.
where the bonds of marriage are most respected and the concept of connubial bliss 「has its highest and truest expression.」
婚姻关系在美国这个国度受到最大的尊重,美满婚姻这个概念在这里 「从最大高度上以最真实的方式表现了出来」。
MBTI has become the most widely used when hiring professional evaluation tool. Character is not good or bad, the test was intended to reflect the truest themselves, rather than others expect of you.
And I promise to serve you forever as the truest of friends.
It is at our mother」s knee that we got our noblest and truest and highest ideals, but there is seldom any money in them.
The ultimate hacker phone, the Nokia N900 is the truest expression of Linux—the OS and the philosophy—that you「ll find on mobile this year.
Don」t know… And actually, you really don「t know, in the deepest, truest sense.
Books, I realise, have been one of my longest, truest friends.
But when our laws, our leaders or our government are out of alignment with our ideals, then the dissent of ordinary Americans may prove to be one of the truest expression of patriotism.
Just as it does not do to have the writer entirely removed from the feeling to which he is giving expression, so also it does not conduce to the truest poetry to have him too close to it.
But, for all that, they were, in one sense, the truest and most substantial things which the poor minister now dealt with.
This in no way reduces the majesty of such goals - Henry」s in particular is terrifyingly good - but they are not volleys in the truest sense, because the ball is so much easier to strike and control.
I take quite seriously the meaning of innovation in its truest form-something that fundamentally changes the way people live, work, and play.
Nowhere will it ever be completed in the truest sense of the word, because your life is a journey to be discovered every day.
That was truest on her 2007 breakthrough album 「Good Girl Gone Bad」 (Def Jam); her releases since then have been harsher, sturdier, and at least on paper, angrier.
最真实的例证就是她2007年的突破性专辑“GoodGirlGone Bad好女孩变坏女孩’(DefJam经典嘻哈唱片品牌);从这张专辑开始,她的歌就变得更苛刻,更坚定,更愤怒(至少在纸上)了。
The road of human welfare lies along the old highway of steadfast well-doing; and they who are the most persistent, and work in the truest spirit, will usually be the most successful.
bona fidead 善意地;真实地;真诚地
fake(Fake) (印)费克(人名)
falsead 欺诈地