true value中文,true value的意思,true value翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:22 浏览次数 2

true value

[tru: ˈvælju]

[数] 真值

true value 英语释义


    1. fair market value — called also true cash value

    2. the depreciated book value of personal property for purposes of taxation of such property used in business

true value 例句


  • the true value of a civilization is reflected in its artistic creations rather than in its scientific accomplishments.


  • but if we see a true value and purpose to it, as a minimalist, the price is worth it, because being a minimalist is not always going for the cheapest option.


  • and only then will their true value to the organization be fully realized.


  • while this may be true in some cases, however mostly, the team velocity gives little indication on the true value delivered.


  • as a result, the testing is more focused on the conformance to the design rather than on the true value that is delivered.


  • yet these huge sums merely reflect the true value of players, and of sport itself.


  • this is because, until recently, the true value of creativity was grossly underestimated across the board.


  • however, the true value of the instrumentation is lost if each read point, each supplier, and each distributor are not fully interconnected.


  • the true value for facebook is getting users to adopt facebook connect and extend their profiles to these external sites.


  • most of the offers are likely to cluster around the true value of the resource, so the highest bidder probably paid too much.


  • the deciding factor will be the true value of the technologies that we created.


  • many of you learned the true value of friendship after it was gone.


  • once ebullient traders become paranoid, realizing how little they know about their trading partners. they refuse to acknowledge the true value of their portfolios.


  • the true value in the rpms is the ability to discover important patterns or an alarming reading in the medical device message as it flows through the system.


  • however, with that said, most people have a tendency to underestimate the true value of their skill sets and experiences.


  • the true value of our offerings does not lie solely in the tools being installed and set up.


  • this could be done by integrating the true value of biodiversity and ecosystem services into a country’s development planning and its accounting systems.


  • while the impact upon the development team is important, the true value of iterative and incremental development lies in the potential to dramatically improve business results.


  • in a world of unpredictable currencies, riven by fears of massive inflation and with enormous doubts about the true value of many other financial instruments, gold becomes an attractive option.

    在这样一个充斥着不可预知的货币,被大规 模通货膨胀的担忧以及对其他金融工具真实价值的质疑而撕裂的世界里,黄金成为具有吸引力的选择。

  • this can degenerate the true value of use cases.


  • the true value of whittle's work may be that it connects one more human sense—hearing—to the wonders of the cosmos.

