n. 修整;整形;校準
2025-01-06 21:22 浏览次数 2
n. 修整;整形;校準
1. being in accordance with the actual state of affairs
true description
2. conformable to an essential reality
3. fully realized or fulfilled
dreams come true
4. ideal, essential
5. being that which is the case rather than what is manifest or assumed
the true dimension of the problem
6. consistent
true to character
7. properly so called
true love the true faith the true stomach of ruminant mammals
8. possessing the basic characters of and belonging to the same natural group as
a whale is a true but not a typical mammal
9. typical
the true cats
10. steadfast, loyal
11. honest, just
12. truthful
13. legitimate, rightful
our true and lawful king
14. that is fitted or formed or that functions accurately
15. conformable to a standard or pattern accurate
16. determined with reference to the earth's axis rather than the magnetic poles
true north
17. logically necessary
18. narrow, strict
in the truest sense
19. corrected for error
20. in accordance with fact or reality
21. without deviation
the bullet flew straight and true
22. without variation from type
breed true
23. truth, reality —usually used with the
24. the quality or state of being accurate (as in alignment or adjustment) —used in the phrases in true and out of true
25. to make level, square, balanced, or concentric bring or restore to a desired mechanical accuracy or form
true up a board true up an engine cylinder
26. in a straight line
27. the quality or state of being straight, flat, even, etc.
28. agreeing with the facts accurate
a true story
29. completely loyal faithful
You are a true friend.
30. consistent or in accordance with
The movie is true to the book.
31. properly so called genuine
Mosses have no true seeds.
32. placed or formed accurately exact
true pitch
33. being or holding by right legitimate
the true owner
34. fully realized or fulfilled
It's a dream come true.
35. in agreement with fact truthfully
She speaks true.
36. in an accurate manner accurately
The arrow flew straight and true.
37. the quality or state of being accurate (as in alignment)
The door is out of true.
38. to bring to exactly correct condition as to place, position, or shape
true to oneself安分守己,坚持自己的原则
copy truing靠模整形
true shape真实形状
truing lathe锉石刀
true friend真正的朋友;真心朋友
come true实现,成真;成为现实
truing caliper校摆钳
true color真彩色;全彩;实色
true self真我;真实自我
true copy準确副本
hold true适用;有效
true power[电] 有效功率;实力派
tried and true经考验证明好的
true heart真心
dream come true梦想成真;美梦成真
ring true听来真实可靠;听上去是真的
impact truing沖击整形
truing axlee锉石刀
true of适当的;对…而言是正确的
true north[航][水运] 真北(非地磁北)
true value[数] 真值
true love真爱;挚爱,真情
true nature本性
in true(安装、调整等)正确;精确
true to form一如往常
truing angle修整角
form truing砂轮成形修整
truing diamond修整用金钢石刀
so a little more sanding and it「s truing up nicely again.
this paper analyses theoretically the brake truing device and the experiments are gone.
butted spokes and aluminum nipples are lighter but require extra skill during truing and tensioning.
the regularity of truing efficiency and truing accuracy is found, and the reasonable useful method is advanced.
a mist-jetting electrical discharge truing and dressing technology was proposed.
this paper presents a research work in children truing test.
the metal-bonded fine grain diamond wheel after ed truing is adopted to realize elid grinding, which can be utilized to accomplish ultra precision surface grinding of the hard and brittle material.
the major causes of injury are lack of scientific training, poor body function, low level truing and poor mental condition.
because laser truing and dressing is virtually based on the mechanism of laser ablation, it」s essential to do some research on acoustic-optic q-switched pulsed laser ablation on super-abrasive wheels.
the methods involve soil fertility management as well as reduced tillage. tiling is breaking up and truing the soil to prepare the ground for planting.
if you find that you are truing your wheel often it most likely needs more tension.
experimental results indicate that tiny feeding, low voltage, low duty ratio and high frequency have important effects to increase the truing precision.
you might want a bicycletruing stand too (photo ) which features indicators that make it easier to see wheel imperfections when you「re truing and tensioning.
您可能需要一个自行车修整立场 ,太(照片 ),其特点的指标,使人们更容易看到你的时候车轮缺陷修整和拉紧。
the truing and sharpening methods of cbn wheels are summarized. the characters of the truing and sharpening methods as well as their applications are analyzed.
as the truing efficiency of metal-bond diamond wheel can be improved by edm truing, the application of metal-bond diamond wheel is promoted gradually.
the wheels of the train were truing on the rails rapidly.
now we can obtain precision truing for random profile wheel by using numerable control operating platform.
you」re truing to read with the radio playing. how does it affect you?
so it's necessary to research the truing and dressing method of the grinding wheel.
truing one wheel and i see the father wheel.
i felt how small i was, compared with all those who are truing to cope with important events in their lives.
laser truing and dressing based on thermal interaction has become an available method for grinding processing of super-abrasive, but how to improve the precision of dressing is the choke point.
a new method which called laser truing and dressing based on thermal interaction, has attracted much attention all over the world.
at this point you must alternate lateral and radial truing . be patient.
the price of the brake truing device is cheap and is a effective truing tool.
bona fidead 善意地;真实地;真诚地
fake(Fake) (印)费克(人名)
falsead 欺诈地