that the pakistan-china friendship is higher than the peaks of himalayas is now a truism without exaggeration.
rich v happy: yes, this is the truism that money doesn’t buy happiness.
over decades this truism has been supported by a great deal of research on networks.
it「s a truism that no new medium kills the one that it eclipses — we still have radio, which pre-dates the internet, television and movies.
a weathered middle east truism holds that, while there can be no all-out arab-israeli war without egypt, there can be no long-term peace without syria.
it is a truism that both brevity and readability are good.
it is a very true truism that men are good at music because they prefer it to speech.
「you don’t see your own mistakes」 is a truism of software development (and many other disciplines).
from the truism that the average investor could not beat the market after costs, academics developed the insight that obvious market-beating opportunities would quickly be arbitraged away.
the fundamental underpinning of this truism is that markets anticipate and look ahead more than they react to events when they occur.
it」s even worse when paired with the truism that errors will occur in your applications.
weathered middle east truism holds that, while there can be no all-out arab-israeli war without egypt, there can be no long-term peace without syria.
but making things simple for the user of a product means that someone else must pay the ethereal price for the truism that there is no free lunch.
it「s a truism but worth repeating: most middle-class household budgets can be cut.
it is a truism that scientists know more about the surface of mars than they do about the surface of the earth, but it is also true.
we」ve yet to meet anyone who disagrees with the truism that people join companies but quit bosses.
social and professional networking sites like facebook are the fastest-growing way to put that truism to work online.
it's become a truism that america is full of 「can do」 people and companies, while slow-moving europeans are more likely to offer a 「yes, but」 when faced with challenge.