adj. (叶、羽毛等)截形的;截短的
v. 截断,删节;把……截成平面
2025-01-06 21:22 浏览次数 2
adj. (叶、羽毛等)截形的;截短的
v. 截断,删节;把……截成平面
"truncate a series"
"truncate a word"
"Erosion has truncated the ridges of the mountains"
"a truncate leaf"
"truncated volcanic mountains"
"a truncated pyramid"
Truncate Head截断头部
Truncate Cache缩减缓存
truncate table删除表中所有行
truncate wing[昆]
truncate pittosporum崖花子
truncate life截缩寿命
truncate function截断函数
select the truncate table action to delete all the existing rows in the orders table before the data load operation starts.
if a not logged table encounters an execution error during a data changing statement there is only one choice for db2: to truncate the table.
如果notlogged表在执行数据修改语句期间碰到了执行错误,那么对于db2 来说,就只有一个选择:清空(truncate)该表。
you can achieve this with audacity using the truncate silence effect.
this app maintained a tree of files, and if the root user had pushed a disk past its normal user limits, the program would truncate them all to 0 bytes without a hint that anything had gone wrong.
string all incoming variables of all unexpected characters and truncate the length to a reasonable limit.
when another process tries to truncate the file you are transmitting, the kernel sends you a real-time signal, the rt_signal_lease signal.
open for reading and writing; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file and truncate the file to zero length.
the column options wrapped and truncated give you the option to wrap or truncate values if they exceed the specified length.
列选项wrapped和truncated 可以在列值超过指定的长度时让您选择是换行还是截断列值。
if sql server can truncate the log first, the log space will be freed up and reused, and there will be no autogrow or failed transaction
if you plan to truncate table, use the not logged option
如果您计划截短表,则应该使用 「notlogged」选项。
the downside of this sort of operation is that db4o could accidentally truncate a value.
use caution here because the indexes have a limit of 18 characters, and the db2 replication will truncate any cd index to 18 characters.
这里要小心,因为索引名称长度最大为18 个字符,并且db2复制功能会将所有cd索引截取为18 个字符。
the truncate sql statement is now supported for fast deletes.
import/export utilities built into database management systems can often remove any special characters within the xml source, or truncate the length, given the variable nature of xml.
the business decision is to truncate the length of the field to 255 characters, if it exceeds, as required by the backend system; however a warning must be issued to the invoking component.
业务决策是截断字段长度到255 个字符,如果它超过,就作为后台系统请求;但必须向调用组件发送警告。
for example, on 32-bit platforms, using %d to print either an int or a long will usually work, but on 64-bit platforms, this would truncate a long to its least significant 32-bits.
例如,在32位系统上,使用 %d来打印int或long 类型的值都可以,但是在64位平台上,这会导致将long 类型的值截断成低32位的值。
truncate — to delete the records in the existing table
截去 —删除已有表中的记录
the truncate method sets the size of the shared memory in bytes.
membership of a group that has sufficient authority to issue truncate table statements and have create table statement privileges.
truncated - when the column value exceeds the column width, truncate the exceeding characters.
if you need to grab output from your data binding api, convert everything to strings, then loop through the strings and truncate everything to 10 characters, and then ...
如果需要抓住数据绑定api的输出,将一切都转化成字符串,然后遍历这些字符串,将它们截成10 个字符长,然后……
truncate table statement this statement quickly deletes the contents of an entire table without firing triggers.
now issue the following command to truncate these rows
cannot specify tables to truncate for this template. there is no database associated with this team solution.
in this case, we need to truncate the domain to obtain a finite domain for performing numerical calculations.
the point is that sometimes sql server can truncate the log fast enough, and other times it can't.