v. 缩短(truncate的过去分词);截去…的顶端
adj. 缩短了的;被删节的;切去顶端的
2025-01-06 21:22 浏览次数 2
v. 缩短(truncate的过去分词);截去…的顶端
adj. 缩短了的;被删节的;切去顶端的
"a truncate leaf"
"truncated volcanic mountains"
"a truncated pyramid"
"the abbreviated speech"
"a curtailed visit"
"her shortened life was clearly the result of smoking"
"an unsatisfactory truncated conversation"
truncated upland削蚀高地
Truncated Normal截尾正态分布
truncated cylinder[数]
truncated packet[计]
truncated cone[数] 截锥;截头锥;[数] 斜截锥
truncated address短缩地址
truncated anticline削蚀背斜
truncated tip锥头电极
truncated reflectors削截反射层
truncated protamine鱼精蛋白截短体
for example, the ruler labels may be truncated as in figure 10 above, a possibility our script did not consider.
as you can see from the results, the data is truncated correctly.
so, your value may be truncated if it is longer than 32 bits.
you don「t see any of this from two or three feet away, and it」s clear mondrian expected his viewers to stand back so they wouldn「t see things like the sloppy way he truncated the ends of his stripes.
a bite string larger that this will be truncated when stored in the appropriate row and column.
on the ppe that isn」t so bad, as the value is merely truncated or expanded.
在ppe 上,这样做的结果并不太坏,因为值不过是被截断或扩充了而已。
for instance, if utf-16 data is naively loaded into a c string, the string may be truncated on the second byte of the first ascii character.
in some cases, the strings are truncated or extruded after they are translated into other languages.
i've truncated it here for brevity, but you get the point.
upon reconnecting to the database, the last log file to have data placed in it from the previous connections will be truncated to the size of the data in the file.
if developers set inadequate resizing limits, the translated text in a web service will appear either truncated or as packed sardines, and the downloading of images will not perform well.
often the space issue is solved by using a log rotation policy, where logs are kept in several files that are truncated and overwritten as they reach a certain number of predefined bytes.
some lines have been truncated in this output (indicated by ...).
某些行在输出中被截短(使用 ...表示)。
if you want to avoid the exception, then the data must be truncated to fit the field and you must code additional logic to do the truncation.
previous versions of mtk truncated the source database identifiers that were greater than the target db2 database product limitations and generated unique identifiers.
对于长度大于目标db2数据库产品限制的源数据库标识符,之前版本的mtk 会截短它,并生成惟一的标识符。
this is of course ironic because planning for the project to live as long as possible truncated its life.
many files on a unix system grow and grow until truncated or archived.
for example, there are no addressing exceptions since all pointers get aligned and truncated to the local store size when attempting a memory access.