n. 缓慢沉重的移动;小脚轮
v. (车)缓慢地移动;(人)沉重缓慢地走
2025-01-06 21:22 浏览次数 2
n. 缓慢沉重的移动;小脚轮
v. (车)缓慢地移动;(人)沉重缓慢地走
"the streetcar trundled down the avenue"
Trundle HD齿轮滚滚
ship(Ship) (美、俄、英)摄(人名)
Worldbreaker Trundle特朗德尔
roll滚动;翻身;(眼睛)转动;在原地打滚;(马)仰卧蹬脚;左右摇晃;蹒跚;使翻车;掷(骰子);掷出(骰子数);(转动)肩膀;行驶;推;摇车窗;(液体)滚落;(时间)流逝;稳定持续的;(产品)从(机器)产出;涌流;延绵起伏;运转;卷,卷起;展开;搓成;辗;发出隆隆声;把(衣服的边)卷起来;压平;覆盖;启动;用颤音发出(辅音,尤其是 r)
rolling motion倾侧运动;[力] 滚动;横摇
Mark Trundle标记移动
trundle bed有脚轮的矮床
trundle e矮轮手推车
Trundle Matrix滚压字模
truckle trundle脚轮
to move移动;移至
trundle plan滚动计划
breaking in敲陷;碾平;滚动;试车
trundle bearing滚动轴承
forwardad 向前地;按顺序地;迈向成功;进入显着的位置;向将来;提前;在(或向)船头
but despite the chaotic image it presented this week, the church of england looks more likely to trundle on eccentrically than to break into establishment and anti-capitalist camps.
beyond it, an ugly scar of deep red earth runs up the hillside where hundreds of trees have been felled. convoys of lorries trundle along the narrow roads, churning them to mud.
drivers would pull up at a designated entrance, get out, and leave their vehicles to trundle off and park snugly by themselves in a high-capacity car park.
bowen returned to the starboard sarj to install the final trundle bearing assembly, retracted a berthing mechanism latch on the japanese kibo laboratory and reinstalled its thermal cover.
outside lorries trundle by, selling water at three times the usual price to the many households where the public water supply has failed.
when oscar the cat lost both his hind paws in a farming accident, it was feared he「d have to trundle around in one of those wheeled-cat apparatuses.
trucks and motorized carts zoom past workers who bark at tourists to clear the way as they trundle wooden carts laden with styrofoam boxes.
有工人拿着两英尺长的刀站在冷冻金枪鱼的平板前;有火车和电动车轰隆隆地驶过正在沉重地推着木制手推车的工人们,他们大喊着让游客 「让路」,车上装满的是发泡胶盒。
let the customer satisfaction demand buy each trundle carrying capacity scope to be complete in 80kg-800kg.
as long as the islamic republic can sell oil at high prices, iran’s gravy train will trundle on.
when the children and the scooters have assembled, they trundle to school.
in one end trundle aircraft fuselages that have come by rail from a former boeing factory in kansas now owned by a private-equity company.
agony (ultimate): trundle immediately steals his target」s health and a percentage of their armor and magic resistance.
yes, people occasionally jump a red lights or trundle along a pavement, but it's done with some sensitivity to pedestrians.
this paper introduces the trundle gray gm(1,1) model, which is improved from gm(1,1) model and has the best initial point and cuts down system errors.
pillar of filth: trundle creates a plagued beacon at a target location, which becomes impassable terrain and slows all nearby enemy units.
girls trundle in carrying heavy book bags.
acela, like virtually all trains run by publicly owned amtrak, has to use tracks belonging to freight railways, whose trains trundle along at 50mph; passenger trains must stick below 80mph.
we scoot back and mount up in the vikings and trundle to the ana post where the contact happened.
took to the traditional process improvement, proposed one kind in view of the tire valve cone-shape packing surface trundle processing method.