1. the main stem of a tree apart from limbs and roots — called also bole
2. the human or animal body apart from the head, neck, and appendages torso
3. the thorax of an insect
4. the central part of anything specifically the shaft of a column or pilaster
5. a large rigid piece of luggage used usually for transporting clothing and personal effects
6. the luggage compartment of an automobile
7. a superstructure over a ship's hatches usually level with the poop deck
8. the part of the cabin of a boat projecting above the deck
9. the housing for a centerboard or rudder
10. proboscis especially the long muscular proboscis of the elephant
11. men's shorts worn chiefly for sports
swimming trunks
12. a usually major channel or passage (such as a chute or shaft)
13. a circuit between two telephone exchanges for making connections between subscribers broadly a usually electronic path over which information is transmitted (as between computer systems)
14. the principal channel or main body of a system or part that divides into branches
a nerve trunk the trunk of a river
15. trunk line
16. the thick main stem of a tree
17. the main part of the human body not including the head, arms, and legs
18. the main or central part of something
19. the thick main stem of a tree not including the branches and roots
20. a box or chest for holding clothes or other articles especially for traveling
21. the enclosed space in the rear of an automobile for carrying articles
22. the long round muscular nose of an elephant
23. a swimsuit for a man or boy
24. the body of a person or animal not including the head, arms, and legs
25. the human body apart from the head and appendages torso
26. the main body of an anatomical part (as a nerve or blood vessel) that divides into branches